Running an Efficient Life

time is moneyWhen you are in the game of finance, you need to focus on every bit of energy you are expending. Maximizing the use of your time will directly impact your earning potential. When you aren’t respecting your time, you are lowering your earning potential. As the old saying goes, “Time is money.”

Find ways to make your life more efficient and you will find yourself increasing your earning potential tremendously. Work commute got you losing 30 minutes every day? Start listening to audio tapes or making conference calls on your way to work. The time you spend listening to audio tapes will pay off in increased knowledge that you can apply at the work place. If you decide to make conference calls for work, you can get some of the early morning networking out of the way so that you can get to work tackling the day’s projects all the sooner. At the least, use that time to stay in touch with your loved ones so that you can focus once you arrive at work.

When you are at home, you need to run your house more efficiently, too. Instead of spending valuable time every day driving to a grocery store, have your food delivered to your home. By spending a few minutes, you can set up a recurring order through Peapod. If a recurring order doesn’t sit well with you because you like diversity (it is the spice of life), one-time orders are just as easy to submit. With a fast ordering system, you will be saving hours every week. Rather than walking around in circles in a grocery store, relax in the comfort of your own home or place your orders while on the subway home from work.

Efficiency is incredibly important if you are to be successful in the world of finance. You need to find ways to streamline every system you can, and then you will find success pouring in.

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