COVID-19: Money-saving tips during coronavirus pandemic

save your moneyIt is guaranteed corona has affected your life in so many ways – your job, your social relationships, your shopping habits, your psychological state… none of those remained unchanged and you had to adjust them to the pandemic. In the end, you ask yourself ”Will it EVER end?”.

Spending more money and buying more products than you need may get you thinking ”How can I save some money?”. Here are some money-saving tips that will hopefully help you increase the amount in your wallet.

Track your money!

Start a budget – there are some very useful apps that can do the job for you. The thing is, everybody is stressed about the financial aspects of this period of life.

So, make yourself safe! Start an emergency fund that will prepare you for the unexpected events, for example, some medical injuries or job loss.

Open a saving account – that way your money will be physically far away from you! Use all the help you might need when dealing with Bank Accounts.

Being stressed or bored is a fertile ground for maximizing your retail expenses. So, in the future always have some plans (watch a movie, cook a meal,…) to decrease your boredom and release the stress.

Give up things that you don’t use!

We all have some material things we are very attached to, but you have to be reasonable.

Try to list the things you don’t use, such as streaming TV subscriptions, or you might not be able to use at this time, such as gym membership.

Giving up some things might help you save some money.

Be aware of the small things!

Trifles such as turning your light off when you leave the room or unplugging your charger when you are not using it can make a small but needed difference.

Become aware of the things you do on your phone – avoid commercials and sponsorships that can easily arouse your desire to spend some money on the fun stuff.

Think ahead!

For example, prepare your meal plan. Think about what you want to eat for an upcoming couple of days.

That way you can save in two ways: first, you will know exactly what to buy with no ”I might need this tonight” while walking through the store. And second, by preparing a meal at home, you can stop yourself from going to restaurants on your lunch break or for dinner.

Thinking ahead may be a crucial factor for your money savings!
If you want to take it to the next level, now is the time – grow your own food! Parsley, chives and mint are a good start.

Use what can be used!

Your market in which you go to almost every day has a coupon system or digital coupons system for sure – download their apps or start collecting them.

Use your rights as a customer. In no time you could save some big amounts of money!

Be ready to compromise!

Although your hair might not look as perfect as you wish, or your nails might not be polished with that perfect shade, it will still be pretty!

Cancel your beauty appointments and have some fun with homemade beauty.

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