Category: Forex

All about Forex Trading Psychology

Trading PsychologyOur actions are normally governed by emotions. We’d like to think we are in control of our sensitivities but no matter how much we try, our feelings and thoughts get away from us and it is difficult to keep them in check. How often do we find ourselves in a simple political discussion and suddenly discover that anger has slowly crept into our tone of voice? How did it get there anyway? We were perfectly calm to start with.

Fear is another emotion that governs our behavior. When was the last time you held back from telling someone your true feelings for fear of being rejected?

In fact fear plays an overwhelmingly important role in our lives. Fear of dying. Fear of commitment. Fear of losing. Those that can overcome their fears usually move forward in life more rapidly than those who remain stuck in their possessive apprehensions.

Even in the area of investing, fear is a central ingredient. How much should we invest? Should we pull out early or risk losing whatever profits we have already made? In fact, should we be investing at all?

Although we each have a different level of risk tolerance, fear is often an underlying reason for investor mistakes. When we see our money slowly slipping away, panic sets in and we make the wrong move.

So in order to be an astute investor and anticipate some profits from our endeavors, we must learn to pull back from our fears and use our knowledge instead.

Forex trading

When it comes to Forex trading, we follow the same guidelines. Let’s face it. You wouldn’t start building a house without learning first how to use a hammer and nails. Why would you even consider Forex trading without knowing what Forex is all about?

Before placing even the first trade, you must come to the table with at least a minimum of understanding and information about the world of Forex. There are many online tutorials that will guide you through the basics of Forex and give you the background you will need in order to go forward. FXAcademy, for example, has just released a free online Forex course complete with animated videos, quizzes and links to relevant articles to keep you well informed.

With some knowledge under your belt, you can then open a Forexdemo account with an onlineForexbroker. This will enable you to trade with virtual money and gain the experience you need before trading for real.

Once you have gained the confidence you need to trade Forex, you can move on to a real trading account. Don’t forget to start small, see more on FXCM, and always move cautiously. Keep in mind that you will probably lose most of your money at the start. Now that you have learned to control your emotions, you won’t panic. Instead, you will lean on the information you have gleaned from your tutorials, ask advice from experienced traders and hopefully make the right moves.

Let’s face it. Forex trading, or any trading for that matter, is a gamble. No matter how much you think you can logically work out the best steps to take, the nature of investing is such that you will never be able to out-think and out-do the system. Stay in control of your emotions and be prepared for the inevitable. Sit back and try to have some fun. Winning or losing is not what is important; it’s how you play the game.

Skate’s Latest Art Investment Report Shows Top-Heavy Market Trend

Investment ProfitRather Depressing Trend

Skate’s Art Market Research, which has observed the sector since 2004, recently published the first part of its ‘2012 Annual Art Investment Report’, which examines its Top 5000 ranking of the world’s most valuable works of art as determined by public auction price. In this latest report, the Skate’s team address the various changes that occurred in this premium segment of the art market by comparing the sector’s performance to 2011 as to artist rankings, sales volume and value, investment performance, and general changes in the ranking structure.

As reported by Forbes earlier this month, the Skate’s findings point at a new trend in the art investment sector. The conclusion of the Skate’s analyst team is that fewer yet wealthier people are buying more expensive art from a limited selection of established names. Confirming the trend, the total capitalisation of artworks in the research firm ranking climbed nine per cent in 2012, while the number of new artists appearing in the ranking declined to 38 in the past year from 81 in 2011.

Returns on Repeat Sales Down

Sales for the priciest of artworks ranked in Skate’s Top 5000 fetched $2.3 million (£1.4 million) and above, totalling $33.3 billion (£21.1 billion), with painters Gerhard Richter, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol leading the pack for most auction sales overall. Joining Richter, Warhol and Picasso, Jean-Michel Basquiat was amongst the artists in the category of most repeat sales above the $2.3 million mark in 2012, where only 118 sales of artworks in the ranking had appeared at auction before. The weighted average return on those repeat sales was 4.87 per cent, down from 7.2 per cent in 2011, with an average holding period for those works of 9.3 years.

2012 Biggest Gains and Losses

Skate’s art investment report also tracked the repeat sales in 2012 which generated the greatest financial gains or losses for their former owners. The highest return on a repeat sale was produced by Italian-born painter Giuseppe Castiglione whose work “An Imperial portrait of Consort Chunhui” generated a return on investment of 46 per cent after a seven-year holding period, selling for $4.5 million (£2.8 million). Not everything made money though. One notable loss was produced by Marc Chagall’s “La Musique” which sold for $2.1 million (£1.3 million) in 2012, producing for its vendor a 25 per cent loss after a one-year holding period.

As announced earlier this month, Skate’s will publish its ‘2012 Annual Art Investment Report’ in three parts. Towards the end of this month, the research group is set to publish the second volume which will focus on the global art industry, while the final part is expected to cover Skate’s predictions for 2013.

You can learn more about art investment here

Why It Is Important To Explore All Available Investment Options

Money InvestmentWhen it comes to finding an investor for your business, you may have the mindset that whoever is willing to give you money under reasonable terms is acceptable.  This line of reasoning is one of the main reasons why there are so many business owners that are forced to claim bankruptcy and permanently close down their business within the first few years of opening.  It is imperative that you take the time to explore all available investment options before making any final decisions.  Why else is this so important?

Beware of the Rabid Dogs of the Industry

If you walked up to a house that had a sign planted on the door that said “Beware of Rabid Dog”, would you eagerly try to get inside of the house without any sort of hesitation or reluctance?  Of course not!  Even if the door was wide open, you would still proceed with extreme caution in order not to become a victim of the dog that may be lurking in the shadows somewhere.     This is the same mentality that you should have when searching for investment opportunities for your business.  There are quite a few rabid dogs that are lurking in the shadows of the industry overall, ready and waiting for your first moment of weakness so that they can pounce and attack as soon as possible.  That is why it is so important that you proceed with caution while exploring any option that may seem to look too good to be true, even if it seems as if the door is wide open for you to come right through.

Rush to the First, Miss Out on the Second

One of the main problems about the decision-making process overall when it comes to businesses is that it is extremely easy to be in a rush.  You may have an extensive list of other needs that need to be fulfilled and responsibilities that need to be handled on that particular day, so finding the first investment option that meets your needs may be the only thing that you have on your mind.  Once you find the first team of private investors that are right up your alley, for example, then you will scratch that off of your to-do list immediately and move on to the next item listed.    However, if you are in such a rush to sign up the first one that seems to meet your needs, then you are automatically shutting yourself out from any other team of private investors that may be second, third or even fourth in line after that first one that would have been an even better fit for your business.  You have to be patient and realize that waiting is all part of the process.

Do Not Hesitate to Ask for Assistance

Another valid point to keep in mind is that you do not have to make these decisions on your own.  It is recommended that you invest in the expertise of professionals that are qualified and trained to be able to help you with making these types of decisions.  They may be able to help you in finding a great deal on a great investment package that you would have overlooked without their quality guidance.

This article was written by Robert Rayford, an experienced content writer that also has a thorough background in financial consulting. He has worked directly with private investors along with other investment companies throughout his career, which is why he enjoys teaching consumers and business professionals about the ins and outs of this industry through his articles.

The Advantages Of Plea Bargains

540733Aside from the obvious benefit of a reduced sentence, there are a number of benefits to accepting a plea bargain. Plea bargains often pose advantages to both sides, both the defense and prosecution. Time, money, and hassle are saved for both sides of the legal process. There are also several benefits the defendant should keep in mind when considering a plea bargain.

Faster Outcome

A criminal trial can be a long, expensive, and emotionally traumatic experience for a defendant. Plea bargains allow you to skip the extensive trial procedure and move right into the sentencing phase before a judge. You will know the outcome of the conviction much sooner than if you had to go through an entire trial, without needing to pay attorneys’ bills throughout the trial process.

Leave Jail

Defendants unable to get out on bail, whether bail was denied or is too expensive, will most likely need to stay in jail for the duration of the trial before being released or transferred to a prison. Once a plea is entered and accepted, you will be sentenced and moved out of the jail. Leaving jail could mean going home or starting a sentence in a prison. While prison may not seem like a good place to be, they are almost always better than jail.

Lesser Charges

A plea bargain often involves pleading guilty to offenses less serious than those you were charged with initially. The prosecution will reduce the charges, or remove some altogether, as a way of making the plea agreement more attractive to the defendant and increasing the chances of a fast conviction.

This is an especially important benefit of accepting a plea bargain if you are being charged with crimes that can be personally, socially, or professionally damaging. A lesser related offense can keep you from needing to continue feeling the negative effects of a conviction even after you have paid your debt to society.

Shorter Sentence

A plea bargain that results in you entering a guilty plea to lesser charges can also result in a shorter sentence. Not only are the required minimum sentences shorter for less serious crimes, many judges are more likely to show leniency to a defendant willing to accept responsibility and avoid a lengthy trial. A plea bargain can help you reduce the time you will need to serve.

The benefits of accepting a plea bargain affect your life in both the short and long terms. By accepting a plea bargain you can avoid the embarrassment of a trial and potentially shorter the sentence you will receive. Always consult with a lawyer before accepting a plea agreement.

Mike often writes articles to help explain the confusing criminal justice system. While he tries his best to explain the laws, he believes that hiring a criminal defense attorney is still the best way to go if in legal trouble.