Posts tagged: income

Questions to Help you Save Money

money saving queriesSaving money seems easy enough on paper; you just put aside a certain chunk of your monthly income and don’t touch it until or unless there’s a special occasion for it.

The only problem is that theory and reality aren’t always the same thing, and there are many subconscious lifestyle habits and attitudes that can sabotage our money-saving efforts.

Here are a few questions to help you get a better sense of perspective on your spending, and to improve your saving habits.

What are my real financial goals?

The first question to answer is “what are my real financial goals?” It’s easy to get side-tracked when you have no clear idea of what you’re actually putting your savings aside for. When you’ve got a lump-sum of money in a savings account, or a handy chunk of capital at hand via a company such as, it’s easy to feel artificially wealthy and become complacent about your financial goals.

Without a clear purpose attached to your savings, however, any vaguely interesting investment opportunity can suddenly seem like a fair reason to dip into them.

If, on the other hand, you know that you’ve got a specific amount of money set aside for a specific purpose – buying a new car, for example – you’ll not only know to leave that money alone until it’s time to go car shopping, but you’ll be more motivated to regularly add to your savings. After all, you’ll be excited by the prospect of getting in your new ride.

Is there a cheaper way I could get this done?

There are certain expenses which we need to accept during the course of day-to-day life. Some of these will be personal, such as an internet connection, or clothes and grocery shopping. Others will be professional – such as web hosting, budgeting software, or transport fees for the commute in to work.

But while these expenses generally can’t be avoided – that doesn’t mean they can’t be reduced. Take a mental inventory of everything that you regularly spend money on, and ask yourself whether there’s a cheaper way you can achieve the same benefit.

Perhaps you could cut your internet bill in half with a rival service provider.

Am I conscious of what’s actually happens to my money?

Often, if we’re not used to budgeting meticulously, we’ll end up “bleeding” money in different ways, without even being conscious of it. This can happen, for example, if you regularly grab a coffee on the way to work, or eat out on a regular basis.

What may seem like a small expense here and there can rapidly add up and become a real source of undiagnosed financial strain.

It’s worth looking at your bank statements and making a note of just how much money you really do spend on “invisible” costs like cups of coffee. When you’ve identified an area where you’re spending far more than you’d like to be, you can work on sealing-up the “leaks”.

Is any of my spending purely habit driven?

Habit is a powerful thing, and spending can often be triggered by subconscious manipulation. That’s one of the great secrets of the advertising industry, after all.

If you’re the kind of person who’s prone to frequent impulse-buying and suspect purchases, ask yourself; how many of these purchases are really improving my quality of life, and how many are just empty spending, inspired by a shopping habit?

Ultimately, if you’re spending substantial amounts of money without any real benefit over time, you should work on re-programming that habit loop.

Big Money Moves And Why You Should Make Them

big money movesThroughout life, there will be loads of points where you have to make decisions about your money. During these times, it will be important that you make calculation moves, choosing the right options at every junction. Thankfully, this isn’t as bad as it sounds. Instead, you have plenty of support, and a lot of it can come from posts just like this one. In fact, this will be going through some of the different moves you can make with your money for the best possible financial future. In a lot of cases, people don’t consider this sort of work. But, it can make a real difference and isn’t too hard to accomplish.

To start, a lot of people begin this process after realizing that they need to make a change in their financial life. It doesn’t matter what your issue, though, as there’s usually a way to solve it. With loans, for example, a lot of people find themselves borrowing too much from a lot of places. Making this easier is just a matter of consolidation, and a company like can help you to find the right people to support you. Most money problems can be solved with a similar approach.

Once you’ve had a bit of time to save, it’s a good idea to think about investments. Most people have a limited amount of time. The time you do have is usually spent working or consuming entertainment. If you want to reach your full financial potential, though, you need to make more money than just your salary. To achieve this, an investment enables you make money without having to put time and effort in. Just make you have at least three months worth of savings before you start thinking about it.

It can feel a little bit wrong to think about the time after you pass, as most people would rather focus on the time they have around. Of course, though, to make sure your family are able to make the best of your departure, most people like the idea of setting up a legacy. A great way to ensure your loved ones get a good amount of money when you pass, life insurance is a great option. It’s best to start with something like this early, though. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay a lot for each installment.

Finally, it’s time to think about the life goals you have for yourself. In most cases, people want to own a house by the time they retire, and you’ll probably want to get the ball rolling on it long before that. A mortgage can take anywhere up to fifty years to pay off. So, it’s important to consider this area while you’re still young. To get started, you just need a reliable job and a little bit of money saved for a deposit.

This post should give you a good dose of inspiration and drive you to start making some changes with your money. A lot of people leave these areas too late and aren’t able to make the most of them. So, instead, it’s much better to get started as early as you can.

Your Financial Afterlife: Preparing for the Inevitable

fix your financesIf you have a family, being financially healthy isn’t just for you. It also helps you to provide for your family. Even when your children have grown up and left home, you still want to make sure you can be there for them when they need it. You might even be considering how you might help them after you’ve gone. When it’s your time to go, perhaps you’re hoping to leave your family in a financially stable position. Although you hope you won’t die until you reach old age, you never really know when it might happen. So it’s always best to be prepared, especially if you have a young family.

Take Out Life Insurance

If you have a family and you work, your family relies on your income. Some families decide to live using only one income, even if they have two, so that it’s not so difficult to deal with if one income is lost. However, many families need to make the most of any income they have. Whether or not you’re the primary breadwinner, the loss of your income could make a big difference to your family, especially when they’re grieving. Using a site like to find the perfect life insurance helps to protect your family. Some employers offer life insurance as a benefit, but if yours doesn’t, you should consider taking it out yourself.

Write a Will

Writing a will is one of the best things you can do to make sure you’re prepared for the end of your life. Since you can’t usually know when you’re going to die, it’s important to keep your will updated so that it reflects your wishes. You might change it at different stages, like if one of your children moves out or you get a new grandchild. You can easily find templates and will writing kits to make things easier. However, you might want to use a lawyer to help you write your will, especially if you want to set up something that isn’t straightforward.

Create a Funeral Plan

Funerals can actually be very expensive, so it’s worth thinking about how you might prepare for that. You might like to come up with some ideas or even instructions on how you want your funeral or memorial service to go. In terms of finances, it’s a good idea to have funds specifically intended to pay for it. You might have some savings, or you could consider paying for a funeral plan or insurance. These are intended to cover the costs of funerals to make the burden easier on your family. You might also want to take other financial considerations into account, like buying a burial plot.

Keep Debts Organized

When you pass away, remaining debts might have to be paid from your estate. To make things easier for your heirs, it’s a good idea to organize your debts and bills. This will mean they don’t need to spend too much time figuring out what is owed and paying it off.

Planning your finances for after your death is just as important as paying attention to them while you’re alive. Look after your family by being prepared.

Business Stuck In Financial Turmoil? Simple Ways To Save The Day!

money crisis in businessThe number one reason why businesses fail is due to finances, or a lack of them, we should say. You’ve probably heard this statistic before, but it’s worth repeating as it’s such a significant statistic – within the first year of launching, half of all businesses fail, and all because of a lack of funds. While that statistic may be terrifying if your business is facing financial turmoil, however, the good news is that it is possible to turn things around. Just because your business is struggling financially that doesn’t have to mean that it is the end of the line for your venture, it’s just a case of thinking outside of the box and being creative.

The fact is that getting your business out of financial turmoil isn’t always easy, but if you take note of the advice below, it is possible to get things back on track.

Determine ways to cut costs

The first step that you take should be to determine how you can cut costs. The fact is that it isn’t easy to reduce your business’s spending, but it is doable, it’s just a case of looking at your budget and determining ways that you can cut costs, such as by making your business premises eco-friendly or by utilizing the cloud to help reduce your spending. Look at your current spending, set a price that you would like to reduce your spending too, and then research ways that you can reduce your spending down to that price. It is doable, believe it or not – you may find working with a business mentor or a financial advisor helpful.

Consider how you can boost your budget

If reducing your spending alone isn’t enough to save your business, the next step is to find ways to boost your budget. Your business is your baby, and you don’t want to see it fail, so it’s important to take into account every avenue that you could attempt to go down. How about taking out a small loan to give your business the boost it needs? If you think a loan might help, you can use resources like the Banking.Loans website to look into what you could borrow. Don’t want to take out a loan? How about finding an investor for your business or a silent partner perhaps? If you want to ensure that your business succeeds, it is vital that you are smart about the steps that you take.

Ensure your finances stay on track

It is vital that you put a plan in place to ensure that once you have got your business’s finances back on track that they stay on track. You don’t want the same problem to occur again, so it pays to make sure that you know how to keep your finances on track this time. Whether that means implementing a strict budget and sticking to it or working with a specialist account who can ensure that your business is creating a good profit, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you monitor your business finances and ensure that everything stays on track.

The fact is that getting things back on track after your business suffers from financial problems isn’t easy, but if you take note of the tips and advice above, it is possible to do so and to make a go of things, building a future for your business.

A Closer Look At The Steps Of Revenue Can Help You Get A Lot More Of It

measure your revenueAll businesses need to begin with a good idea and a target market that can sustain it. You may very well have those, but you’re still not getting the kind of revenue in return that you hoped for. Was the enterprise just doomed to fail? Most likely not. Instead, you might have to look at the different steps of acquiring revenue a little more closely and make sure you’re maximizing the potential of every one of them.

The source

Your revenue source is going to be the most important part of the question. You might find yourself hitting the cap on the streams you already have and finding you need more. In that event, you must start looking at the opportunities for new business. New product variations, new locations, new additional services. You don’t have to radically change the business to find a source for new business. You can even look into using the brand in new ways, like selling your expertise to other business owners.

The customer

Being competitive with your prices sounds like a realistic tactic for taking on some of your more established competitors. But the truth is that customers are often willing to pay more than we expect them to. They’re willing to pay it when a business truly invests in better customer service and more interactive communication. A study showed that 39% of customers feel that most companies feel to live up to their expectation of customer service and that 73% are willing to pay more for better service.

The payment

As important as the customer service is how the customer actually pays. In many ecommerce platforms, poor user interfaces can confuse the purchasing process, leading to what’s known as shopping cart abandonment. But the actual payment methods can be just as big a sticking point in both ecommerce and brick and mortar business. If you’re not looking at service providers like PayPal and sites like, you might very well be looking at the prospect of losing customers who don’t like having their payment options limited. Make your payment process simpler and more flexible. That’s an easy way to unlock more revenue if you have a happy customer base.

The return

That happy customer base needs a lot more attention, too, not just the new consumers you’re trying to welcome to the business. It takes considerably less investment to retain customers than it does to convert them. Nowadays, services like are boasting stats like contributing to 5.3% or 6% of a business’s annual income, which can be a huge boost. A focus on incentivizing customer returns also has the knock-on effect of creating brand fans that then go on to lead to more new customer referrals, too. It can very well hit two birds with one stone.

The more value you provide, the easier it becomes to capitalize on that value, and the more you go on to keep delivering it, the more money the business will make. Keep the tips above in mind the next time you’re thinking of how to start making more money.