Posts tagged: legal

Ways to Improve Your Chances of Winning a Lawsuit

financial legal mattersWinning a lawsuit is a huge challenge, but it can be done as long as you have a good plan of action in place. It’s all about making sure that you are prepared for the challenge ahead before you even get started. Here are some top ways that will improve your chances of success.

Consider the Costs

Fighting a lawsuit is certainly not cheap, no matter which side of the court you’re on. So, you need to consider the costs beforehand. If you don’t think that you can afford to go ahead, don’t quit just yet. There are many charitable organisations and governments that can help people on low incomes to get justice. No one should have to accept not getting justice just because they’re not rich. And if you’re pursuing a personal injury claim, you might be able to get pre-settlement funding. This helps you to stay on top of the costs while the court case is still ongoing. It can be a huge help.

Get the Best Lawyer

There is always a temptation to not hire a lawyer. Many people think that they can represent themselves and succeed. But this is not the movies where the little guy beats the big guy. The chances are the person with the better lawyer will win the case. This is not always how it plays out, but it’s a bigger factor than most people realise. The best lawyer will be able to give you the expertise, experience and skills they have. When you have those things behind your case pushing it forward, your chances of success increase greatly. So, hire a lawyer that has dealt with cases that are similar to yours in the past. Look at their success rate too.

Get Evidence

If your case relies on you having to prove that another person did something, you need to have evidence to back up what you’re claiming. This is how many civil disputes work. If you are pursuing a personal injury claim because someone was responsible for an injury you sustained, evidence is vital. You need to have independent witnesses who can back up your claims. And you also need the testimony of the doctor who treated your injuries. If you don’t have those things, then it is simply your word vs your opponent’s. And that is always a risky gamble when you’re in court.

Prepare for Court

There are many things that can be daunting about appearing in court. Having to speak in front of a judge and present your case is not always the easiest thing in the world. That’s why preparation is so vitally important. You can never prepare too much. But you can definitely prepare too little. If you walk into the court without knowing exactly what the plan is and how you’re going to present your case, you’ll be in trouble. You don’t want to do this because it could jeopardise your entire case, and that’s not what you want. So, remain calm, and listen to all the advice that your lawyer gives you.

The Advantages Of Plea Bargains

540733Aside from the obvious benefit of a reduced sentence, there are a number of benefits to accepting a plea bargain. Plea bargains often pose advantages to both sides, both the defense and prosecution. Time, money, and hassle are saved for both sides of the legal process. There are also several benefits the defendant should keep in mind when considering a plea bargain.

Faster Outcome

A criminal trial can be a long, expensive, and emotionally traumatic experience for a defendant. Plea bargains allow you to skip the extensive trial procedure and move right into the sentencing phase before a judge. You will know the outcome of the conviction much sooner than if you had to go through an entire trial, without needing to pay attorneys’ bills throughout the trial process.

Leave Jail

Defendants unable to get out on bail, whether bail was denied or is too expensive, will most likely need to stay in jail for the duration of the trial before being released or transferred to a prison. Once a plea is entered and accepted, you will be sentenced and moved out of the jail. Leaving jail could mean going home or starting a sentence in a prison. While prison may not seem like a good place to be, they are almost always better than jail.

Lesser Charges

A plea bargain often involves pleading guilty to offenses less serious than those you were charged with initially. The prosecution will reduce the charges, or remove some altogether, as a way of making the plea agreement more attractive to the defendant and increasing the chances of a fast conviction.

This is an especially important benefit of accepting a plea bargain if you are being charged with crimes that can be personally, socially, or professionally damaging. A lesser related offense can keep you from needing to continue feeling the negative effects of a conviction even after you have paid your debt to society.

Shorter Sentence

A plea bargain that results in you entering a guilty plea to lesser charges can also result in a shorter sentence. Not only are the required minimum sentences shorter for less serious crimes, many judges are more likely to show leniency to a defendant willing to accept responsibility and avoid a lengthy trial. A plea bargain can help you reduce the time you will need to serve.

The benefits of accepting a plea bargain affect your life in both the short and long terms. By accepting a plea bargain you can avoid the embarrassment of a trial and potentially shorter the sentence you will receive. Always consult with a lawyer before accepting a plea agreement.

Mike often writes articles to help explain the confusing criminal justice system. While he tries his best to explain the laws, he believes that hiring a criminal defense attorney is still the best way to go if in legal trouble.